Adding Late Fees
Your organization might want to add a late fee to certain price levels on a certain date.
Create a late fee
To create a late fee, visit the Pass Settings > Price Settings screen and scroll to Late Fees.
Click Add Late Fee.
Late Fee Types
There are two types of late fees available:
- Flat: Charge a flat amount
- Percentage: Charge a percentage of the selected price level for the pet
You can choose either late fee type when defining a late fee.
Choose a Late Fee Type (flat or percentage), and enter an amount.
Late Fee Triggers
Late fees have different triggers depending on how you've defined your Pass in Barkpass:
- Passes valid for a date range: You may enter a Beginning Date for your late fee on which it goes into effect for all customers who apply for your pass.
- Passes valid for a duration or for required document expiry: You may enter a Number of Days Delinquent since the pet's previous pass expired to apply the late fee.
Late Fee Conditions
Similar to Price Levels, you can select Price Conditions to apply to late fees. This ensures the late fee goes to the correct pet and customer.
By default, Barkpass applies a Late Fee Price Condition Preset to new late fees, which includes:
- Existing Pet: This prevents brand new pets to the system from receiving late fees.
- Pet Field: Birthday > 6 months: This ensures puppies don't receive late fees.
You are free to remove these conditions or edit them to suit your needs.
Multiple late fee behavior
While pets may be eligible for multiple late fees you have defined, Barkpass will only select the most expensive fee. This allows you to build a "tiered" system if you desire, where a bigger late fee applies after a longer period of delinquency.
Late fee application
Late fees are applied and calculated at the following times:
- When a customer adds a new pet to their application
- When a customer visits the "Pricing" page of their application
- When an administrator adds a pet to the application
When customers complete applications online, they will see the late fee displayed in their selected price in addition to their normal price. It is also displayed to the customer as a separate line item on the Review page as well as their transaction receipt.
Managing late fees on an application as an administrator
To modify late fees as an administrator, you can edit the price level as you normally would from the application detail screen.
If a pet has a late fee applied, you will see a e.g. + $20
next to the total price.
When you click Edit and view the price levels modal, late fees will be listed next to each pet's line item for each application (including add-on applications). Select a different late fee to manually override a given late fee for a customer.
Waive late fees
To waive a late fee for a customer as an administrator, edit the customer's application as described in the previous step and select "Waive Late Fee." This removes the late fee and ensures the pet is not assigned a late fee again in the future for the application.
Late fee reminders
Barkpass allows you to send reminders to customers when they're about to receive a late fee.
Late fee reminders are not enabled by default.
To enable late fee reminders, visit Pass Settings > Notifications Settings.
Barkpass provides a few options for reminders. You can enable each as you see fit:
- 30 days before expiration: Send a customer a notice that their pass will expire in 30 days. If applicable, the customer is warned that late fees may apply.
- Day of expiration: Send a customer a notice that their pass has expired. If applicable, the customer is warned that late fees may apply.
- 7 Days before late fee: Sends a customer a notice that one or more late fees will apply in 7 days, with a link to apply for the new pass.
- 1 Day before late fee: Sends a customer a notice that one or more late fees will apply in 1 day, with a link to apply for the new pass.
You can preview each of these notifications by clicking the Preview button.
Late fee reminders to previous passes
Learn more about enabling late fee reminders, renewal reminders, and expiration notices.