Sending Expiration Notices and Renewal Reminders

Barkpass allows you to automatically notify customers when their applications are expiring for passes.

Enable expiration notices

Visit Pass Settings > Notification Settings and find the Pass Expiration options. You can optionally send email notifications:

  • 30 days before the application expires
  • The day the application expires

Active applications only: Barkpass only notifies active pass holders about expirations. Customers with expired or inactive applications will not be notified.

Enable late fee notifications

Visit Pass Settings > Notification Settings and find the Late Fee options. You can optionally send email notifications:

  • 7 days before a late fee is applied
  • 1 day before a late fee is applied

Late fee notice behavior

Barkpass uses different logic to notify customers of late fees based on how you've defined your Pass:

  • Passes valid for a date range: You must define a Previous Pass to link your new pass to a previous pass. This is useful if you do annual passes attached to a date range, e.g. "2024 Pet License". Select a Previous Pass under Pass Settings > General Settings.
  • Passes valid for a duration or for required document expiry: Barkpass uses the most recent approved or expired application for the same as a reference.

Eligibility considered: Barkpass takes late fee eligibility into account when sending late fee notifications. For example, if you've set conditions on a late fee which may disqualify a pet for receiving the late fee (e.g. Cat or Dog), Barkpass will attempt to check these conditions and deliver the late fee notification based on whether at least one pet qualifies for a late fee.

Inactive pets: If the most recent application for a customer is Inactive (e.g. pet is deceased), Barkpass will not notify the customer about late fees.

Renewal pass behavior

Barkpass uses different logic to display a link to a pass for a customer to renew based on how you've defined your Pass:

  • Passes valid for a date range: You must define a Previous Pass to link your new pass to a previous pass. This is useful if you do annual passes attached to a date range, e.g. "2024 Pet License". Select a Previous Pass under Pass Settings > General Settings.
  • Passes valid for a duration or for required document expiry: Barkpass uses the current pass.

Previewing notifications

You can preview the pass notifications by clicking "Preview" to the right of the notification. Fake dates and information is used to populate the notification.

Delivery time

Barkpass delivers all pass-related notifications and reminders daily at 6am Central Time (US).

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