Using the Gate Code Integration

Barkpass allows you to control access to your dog park by using a Gate Code.

Customers who have access to a Gate Code resource will receive an email notification when their application for a pass is approved:

When customers are logged in to your organization's landing page, they will also see the gate code listed next to the pass information:

Gate Codes can be changed at any time, and you can send (and re-send) additional gate code notifications to customers who have access at any time.

Customer Eligibility

Customers are considered eligible for access when:

  • They have an approved application for the pass(es) you have selected.
  • Their pass registrations are in good status, i.e. not restricted or expired.
  • Their application has not been marked inactive.
  • At least one of the pets on their application has not been marked inactive.

Install the Gate Code integration

To install the Gate Code integration, visit your Access Code Integrations page and click Install Gate Code under the list of available methods.

Then, click Confirm Installation.

Creating Gate Code Resources

Barkpass allows you to define access control resources and grant access to them when customers have purchased your passes.

The Gate Code integration allows you to define a Gate Code for each resource. This would likely correspond to a gate at your dog park where customers enter a gate code to gain access:

To create a gate code resource, visit your Gate Code integration page and click Create Resource.

Enter a name for the resource, e.g. "Large Dog Park." This will be displayed to the customer in the email notification, so it's recommended to use a human-recognizable name.

Next, select which passes should qualify for this resource. If you have separate passes for separate parks, this where you can isolate a single gate code to just that pass.

Finally, enter a Gate Code. You can change this at any time.

When you're ready, click Create Resource.

Users will not be notified when you create a resource, but they will be granted access to the gate code. This process can take a couple minutes, so refresh the page to see updated results.

Viewing Customer Access

On your integration page, you can see which customers have access to your Gate Code resources. You can search by customer information to find a specific customer.

Exporting Customers with Access

You can export customer access by clicking the Export button next to the list of customers on the integration. Any searches or filters you have applied will be taken into effect.

Granting Explicit Access

If you'd like to explicitly grant access to a customer who does not qualify for access using the logic above, you can click the dropdown to the right of the customer and select Grant Access.

Note: This user's granted access will be persisted across any additional events (like changing gate codes or restricting registrations) until you manually revoke their access.

Revoking Explicit Access

If you'd like to explicitly revoke access from a customer who qualifiees for access using the logic above, you can click the dropdown to the right of the customer and select Revoke Access.

Note: This user's revoked access will be persisted across any additional events (like changing gate codes or reactivating registrations) until you manually grant their access.

Changing the Gate Code

You can change the gate code at any time by visiting your integration page and either clicking on the name of the gate code resource or clicking the drop down at the right and selecting Edit Resource.

Note: Updated codes will not be emailed to all existing customers automatically. Instead, use the Send Access Notification functionality to let existing customers know the new gate code.

Sending Access Notifications

By default, email notifications are sent to customers when:

  • Access has been granted because of an approved notification, or a reactivated registration, or
  • Access has been explicitly granted by an administrator.

You can manually send access notifications to your customers by visiting your integration page and using one of the following methods:

  • Send notifications to all active customers for a given Gate Code resource by clicking the drop down at the right of the resource name and selecting "Send Access Notification"
  • Send a notification to a specific customer by clicking the drop down at the right of the customer name and selecting "Send Access Notification"
  • Use the checkboxes to select multiple customers from the list, and select the "Send Access Notification" button that appears
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