Inviting Team Members

Invite team members to manage your Barkpass organization by visiting the Organization Settings page.

Note: Only members with the administrator role can invite other members.

Scroll to the Add Team Member section of the settings page and enter the email address of the team member you would like to invite.

Select a role for the new team member: Administrator, Editor or Viewer.


View a list of available roles and permissions in Barkpass.

Accepting a team member invitation

When a team member is invited to join your organization, they will receive an email with an invitation link.

When they click the link, they will be prompted to log into Barkpass.

  • If they do not have a Barkpass administrative account, they should click Register to create a new account. After creating an account, they should be redirected to your organization dashboard. If they are not redirected after creating an account, they should click on the invitation link in their email again.
  • If they do have a Barkpass administrative account, they should log in to be redirected to the organization dashboard.
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