Collecting Donations

Barkpass allows you to collect donations when customers purchase passes.

Adding Donation Levels to Passes

You can start collecting donations by adding one or more donation levels to a pass.To add or edit donation levels on a pass, visit the Pass Settings page and scroll to the Pass Donation Levels section.

To add a donation level, you must enter a label for the level (e.g. Supporter, Friend, ...). If you don't want to create a custom label, you could use something like "$50 Donation" as the label. This can be changed at any time.

Next, provide an optional description. Keep this brief, as it will be listed within a small card that the customer will select.

Finally, you must provide a dollar amount price for the donation. This cannot be changed.

When you're ready to use the donation level, click Create Level.

Now, when customers visit the Prices step of their application process, they can select an optional donation at the bottom of the page.

Editing Donation Levels

You can edit the title or description of a donation level at any time by visiting the Pass Donation Levels section of the Pass Settings page.

Archiving Donation Levels

If you no longer want to advertise a specific donation level, you can archive it.

Click the three dots at the right of the donation level and select "Archive Level."

You can unarchive the donation level again at any time.

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